Monday, December 31, 2007

Portfolio diversification

I look at my current portfolio, do some analysis and think these are the few diversification I will make over the next few months ( or the year maybe) -

  1. I have a decent exposure to debt - but that is primarily in the form of my provident fund which earns me 8% ( think that's what it is now). No short term debt ( have some , but a convoluted Overdraft on that is what is my working capital for a lot of expense I am incurring now). so should I increase my debt portion? not sure I want to do it. I will need some cash as backup and they will primarily go to create a OD with some debt backing them
  2. Commodities - this will be the next big thing in India ( it already is) - but I don't trade commodities. ( here my attraction is in the agri related commodities and not ferrous/ non ferrous metals). Agriculture has lagged in our economy for far too long. Given the fact that 60% of the population is dependent on it and we need to secure our food security, I expect movement on this area , more out of force than genuine concern. Its a 2-3 year play and should be very rewarding. I am still not sure how to play this, but will keep you posted
  3. Gold - I think this is an asset class I will need some exposure to. I can do it either thru physical gold, Gold ETFs and through a hybrid fund like DSPML which invests across the gold value chain. I am not sure if physical makes sense, but will evaluate the other two.
  4. Commercial real estate - I think this will create a cash flow scenario. Also , when I say commercial real estate, its basically a small office/ shop version - This will need me to put down some capital and leverage hard. I am hoping the real estate will fall further to allow me to pick some up. This will need lots of cash, I might just have to team up with a few friends ( assuming they are willing). Here once the REITS come in, I should be able to build an exposure, but I think that is atleast 13 -15 months away in India.
  5. Some other slightly weirder ideas - like financing a moveable asset like a mini truck, or some small microfinance institution, or something.
Keep in mind that I don't have huge sums - I am assuming here, I will find like minded people and find the right opportunities. I want to take slightly larger risks, diversify the cash flows and see if I have to guts to take the opportunity given by the Indian economy to the build capital for myself.

Anyways, My dear reader, thanks for visiting me. Some of you are regulars I know, some land up through some search engine. Keep coming back, leave a message to let me know who you are, ask if you want me to write about something you feel I am capable of having an opinion worth airing...Keep me in business. Wish you a very happy and prosperous happy new year.

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